
Bill Glasco and Janet Schwenke

JP Morgan/American Centuary Retirement Plan Services

Actuarial Math and Employee Benefit Careers: Perspective from an Actuary and a non-Actuary

Bill Glasco will review his experience while taking SOA Exams and the 
current exam process.  He will review his carrier experiences with William 
M. Merce and now Retirement Plan Services.  He will share with the 
audiance his view of the various career opportunities for actuaries in 
today's market and the characteristics of a successful actuary.

Janet Schwenke will talk about her experiences taking the SOA Exams and 
the potantial advantage of taking Exams while in school.  She will also 
review opportunities in the Benefit field for non-actuary math graduates 
as she has experienced in her career with consulting firms, banks and now 
Retirement Plan Services.

Thursday, April 27, 2000
2:00 p.m.
Yates 225
Students are encouraged to attend.
There will be cookies and conversation afterwards in Yates 210.

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