Test 3
100 Points
Open book
Null Hypothesis
- Alternative hypothesis
- Level of significance
- Critical region
- Tests of hypotheses for one proportion
- Tests of hypotheses for two proportions
Power function of the test
- Sample size
- Observed level of significance or the p-value
- Standard error of the mean
- Tests about one mean
- Tests about one variance
- Paired t-test
- Tests of hypotheses for equality of two means
- Tests of hypotheses of the equality of variances
Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests
- Contingency tables
- Ability to read tables of the following distributions
- Normal
- Binomial
- Poisson
- Chi-Square
- t
- F
- Ability to approximate the binomial distribution with Poisson or
normal distribution
- Ability to derive the distribution of any of the test statistics
in the chapter
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