The SAS System 1 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: Y Work Hours Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Prob>F Model 1 252377.58081 252377.58081 105.876 0.0001 Error 23 54825.45919 2383.71562 C Total 24 307203.04000 Root MSE 48.82331 R-square 0.8215 Dep Mean 312.28000 Adj R-sq 0.8138 C.V. 15.63447 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard T for H0: Variable DF Estimate Error Parameter=0 Prob > |T| INTERCEP 1 62.365859 26.17743389 2.382 0.0259 X 1 3.570202 0.34697216 10.290 0.0001 Variable Variable DF Label INTERCEP 1 Intercept X 1 Lot Size The SAS System 2 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Dep Var Predict Std Err Lower95% Upper95% Lower95% Upper95% Obs Y Value Predict Mean Mean Predict Predict 1 399.0 348.0 10.363 326.5 369.4 244.7 451.2 2 121.0 169.5 16.970 134.4 204.6 62.5464 276.4 3 221.0 240.9 11.979 216.1 265.7 136.9 344.9 4 376.0 383.7 11.979 358.9 408.5 279.7 487.7 5 361.0 312.3 9.765 292.1 332.5 209.3 415.3 6 224.0 276.6 10.363 255.1 298.0 173.3 379.8 7 546.0 490.8 19.908 449.6 532.0 381.7 599.9 8 352.0 348.0 10.363 326.5 369.4 244.7 451.2 9 353.0 419.4 14.272 389.9 448.9 314.2 524.6 10 157.0 240.9 11.979 216.1 265.7 136.9 344.9 11 160.0 205.2 14.272 175.6 234.7 99.9483 310.4 12 252.0 312.3 9.765 292.1 332.5 209.3 415.3 13 389.0 383.7 11.979 358.9 408.5 279.7 487.7 14 113.0 133.8 19.908 92.5874 175.0 24.6977 242.8 15 435.0 455.1 16.970 420.0 490.2 348.2 562.0 16 420.0 419.4 14.272 389.9 448.9 314.2 524.6 17 212.0 169.5 16.970 134.4 204.6 62.5464 276.4 18 268.0 240.9 11.979 216.1 265.7 136.9 344.9 19 377.0 383.7 11.979 358.9 408.5 279.7 487.7 20 421.0 455.1 16.970 420.0 490.2 348.2 562.0 21 273.0 169.5 16.970 134.4 204.6 62.5464 276.4 22 468.0 383.7 11.979 358.9 408.5 279.7 487.7 23 244.0 205.2 14.272 175.6 234.7 99.9483 310.4 24 342.0 348.0 10.363 326.5 369.4 244.7 451.2 25 323.0 312.3 9.765 292.1 332.5 209.3 415.3 Obs Residual 1 51.0180 2 -48.4719 3 -19.8760 4 -7.6840 5 48.7200 6 -52.5780 7 55.2099 8 4.0180 9 -66.3861 10 -83.8760 11 -45.1739 12 -60.2800 13 5.3160 14 -20.7699 15 -20.0881 16 0.6139 17 42.5281 18 27.1240 19 -6.6840 20 -34.0881 21 103.5 22 84.3160 23 38.8261 24 -5.9820 25 10.7200 The SAS System 3 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Sum of Residuals 0 Sum of Squared Residuals 54825.4592 Predicted Resid SS (Press) 65818.0101 The SAS System 4 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Dependent Variable: Y Test: TEST1 Numerator: 252377.5808 DF: 1 F value: 105.8757 Denominator: 2383.716 DF: 23 Prob>F: 0.0001 The SAS System 5 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 OBS X Y PRED L95MEAN U95MEAN LOWER95I UPPER95I 1 80 399 347.982 326.545 369.419 244.733 451.231 2 30 121 169.472 134.367 204.577 62.546 276.397 3 50 221 240.876 216.095 265.657 136.882 344.870 4 90 376 383.684 358.903 408.465 279.690 487.678 5 70 361 312.280 292.080 332.480 209.281 415.279 6 60 224 276.578 255.141 298.015 173.329 379.827 7 120 546 490.790 449.608 531.973 381.718 599.862 8 80 352 347.982 326.545 369.419 244.733 451.231 9 100 353 419.386 389.862 448.911 314.160 524.612 10 50 157 240.876 216.095 265.657 136.882 344.870 11 40 160 205.174 175.649 234.698 99.948 310.400 12 70 252 312.280 292.080 332.480 209.281 415.279 13 90 389 383.684 358.903 408.465 279.690 487.678 14 20 113 133.770 92.587 174.952 24.698 242.842 15 110 435 455.088 419.983 490.193 348.163 562.014 16 100 420 419.386 389.862 448.911 314.160 524.612 17 30 212 169.472 134.367 204.577 62.546 276.397 18 50 268 240.876 216.095 265.657 136.882 344.870 19 90 377 383.684 358.903 408.465 279.690 487.678 20 110 421 455.088 419.983 490.193 348.163 562.014 21 30 273 169.472 134.367 204.577 62.546 276.397 22 90 468 383.684 358.903 408.465 279.690 487.678 23 40 244 205.174 175.649 234.698 99.948 310.400 24 80 342 347.982 326.545 369.419 244.733 451.231 25 70 323 312.280 292.080 332.480 209.281 415.279 The SAS System 6 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Plot of UPPER95I*X. Symbol used is 'U'. Plot of PRED*X. Symbol used is 'P'. Plot of LOWER95I*X. Symbol used is 'L'. Plot of Y*X. Symbol used is '*'. | | 600 + U U | p | p | U e | * r | U | B 500 + o | U P u | * n | U P d | | * o | U P * * f 400 + * | U P L * 9 | * 5 | * * * % | U P L * | * C | U P L . 300 + I | L . | U P * * ( | * I | U P L * n | * d | L * * i 200 + P v | i | P L d | * * u | L a | P l | * * 100 + L P | r | e | L d | ) | L | 0 + | --+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+- 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Lot Size NOTE: 43 obs hidden. The SAS System 7 08:41 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Plot of U95MEAN*X. Symbol used is 'U'. Plot of PRED*X. Symbol used is 'P'. Plot of L95MEAN*X. Symbol used is 'L'. Plot of Y*X. Symbol used is '*'. | | 550 + * | U | | U 500 + p | U P p | e | * r 450 + U P L | * B | P L * * o | U u 400 + * n | P L * d | U * | L * o 350 + P * * f | U * | L * 9 | P 5 300 + U % | L | P * C | U * . 250 + L * * I | U P . | * * | L * f 200 + U P o | r | U P L | * * M 150 + e | P L a | * n | * 100 + | L | | 50 + | --+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+- 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Lot Size NOTE: 43 obs hidden.