The SAS System 1 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum -------------------------------------------------------------------- X1 21 62.0190476 18.6203281 38.4000000 91.3000000 X2 21 17.1428571 0.9703460 15.8000000 19.1000000 Y 21 181.9047619 36.1913039 137.2000000 244.2000000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The SAS System 2 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 OBS X1 X2 Y X1P X2P YP 1 68.5 16.7 174.4 0.07783 -0.10205 -0.04637 2 45.2 16.8 164.4 -0.20198 -0.07901 -0.10815 3 91.3 18.2 244.2 0.35163 0.24361 0.38489 4 47.8 16.3 154.6 -0.17075 -0.19423 -0.16870 5 46.9 17.3 181.6 -0.18156 0.03621 -0.00188 6 66.1 18.2 207.5 0.04901 0.24361 0.15814 7 49.5 15.9 152.8 -0.15034 -0.28640 -0.17982 8 52.0 17.2 163.2 -0.12032 0.01317 -0.11557 9 48.9 16.6 145.4 -0.15754 -0.12510 -0.22554 10 38.4 16.0 137.2 -0.28364 -0.26336 -0.27621 11 87.9 18.3 241.9 0.31080 0.26665 0.37068 12 72.8 17.1 191.1 0.12947 -0.00988 0.05681 13 88.4 17.4 232.0 0.31680 0.05926 0.30951 14 42.9 15.8 145.3 -0.22960 -0.30945 -0.22616 15 52.5 17.8 161.1 -0.11431 0.15143 -0.12854 16 85.7 18.4 209.7 0.28438 0.28970 0.17173 17 41.3 16.5 146.4 -0.24881 -0.14814 -0.21937 18 51.7 16.3 144.0 -0.12392 -0.19423 -0.23419 19 89.6 18.1 232.6 0.33121 0.22056 0.31322 20 82.7 19.1 224.1 0.24835 0.45100 0.26070 21 52.3 16.0 166.5 -0.11671 -0.26336 -0.09518 The SAS System 3 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Model: MODEL1 Model Crossproducts X'X X'Y Y'Y X'X INTERCEP X1P X2P YP INTERCEP 21 4.8034981E-9 2.0739624E-7 6.178451E-10 X1P 4.8034981E-9 1.0000000014 0.7812993775 0.944554261 X2P 2.0739624E-7 0.7812993775 1.0000000731 0.8358025235 YP 6.178451E-10 0.944554261 0.8358025235 0.9999999986 X'X Inverse, Parameter Estimates, and SSE INTERCEP X1P X2P YP INTERCEP 0.0476190476 1.9219544E-8 -2.489223E-8 -2.621663E-9 X1P 1.9219544E-8 2.5669240169 -2.00553599 0.7483669765 X2P -2.489223E-8 -2.00553599 2.5669238329 0.2511038523 YP -2.621663E-9 0.7483669765 0.2511038523 0.0832535488 The SAS System 4 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Dependent Variable: YP Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Prob>F Model 2 0.91675 0.45837 99.103 0.0001 Error 18 0.08325 0.00463 C Total 20 1.00000 Root MSE 0.06801 R-square 0.9167 Dep Mean 0.00000 Adj R-sq 0.9075 C.V. 231155806473 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard T for H0: Variable DF Estimate Error Parameter=0 Prob > |T| INTERCEP 1 -2.621663E-9 0.01484074 -0.000 1.0000 X1P 1 0.748367 0.10896114 6.868 0.0001 X2P 1 0.251104 0.10896113 2.305 0.0333 Covariance of Estimates COVB INTERCEP X1P X2P INTERCEP 0.0002202475 8.889418E-11 -1.15131E-10 X1P 8.889418E-11 0.0118725297 -0.009275999 X2P -1.15131E-10 -0.009275999 0.0118725288 Correlation of Estimates CORRB INTERCEP X1P X2P INTERCEP 1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 X1P 0.0000 1.0000 -0.7813 X2P -0.0000 -0.7813 1.0000 The SAS System 5 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Model: MODEL1 Model Crossproducts X'X X'Y Y'Y X'X INTERCEP X1 X2 Y INTERCEP 21 1302.4 360 3820 X1 1302.4 87707.94 22609.19 249643.35 X2 360 22609.19 6190.26 66072.75 Y 3820 249643.35 66072.75 721072.4 X'X Inverse, Parameter Estimates, and SSE INTERCEP X1 X2 Y INTERCEP 29.728923483 0.0721834719 -1.992553186 -68.85707315 X1 0.0721834719 0.0003701761 -0.005549917 1.4545595828 X2 -1.992553186 -0.005549917 0.1363106368 9.3655003765 Y -68.85707315 1.4545595828 9.3655003765 2180.9274114 The SAS System 6 21:29 Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Dependent Variable: Y Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Prob>F Model 2 24015.28211 12007.64106 99.103 0.0001 Error 18 2180.92741 121.16263 C Total 20 26196.20952 Root MSE 11.00739 R-square 0.9167 Dep Mean 181.90476 Adj R-sq 0.9075 C.V. 6.05118 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard T for H0: Variable DF Estimate Error Parameter=0 Prob > |T| INTERCEP 1 -68.857073 60.01695322 -1.147 0.2663 X1 1 1.454560 0.21178175 6.868 0.0001 X2 1 9.365500 4.06395814 2.305 0.0333 Covariance of Estimates COVB INTERCEP X1 X2 INTERCEP 3602.0346743 8.7459395806 -241.4229923 X1 8.7459395806 0.0448515096 -0.672442604 X2 -241.4229923 -0.672442604 16.515755794 Correlation of Estimates CORRB INTERCEP X1 X2 INTERCEP 1.0000 0.6881 -0.9898 X1 0.6881 1.0000 -0.7813 X2 -0.9898 -0.7813 1.0000