Past Events

September 2010

2010-2011 officers:
President: Kodzo Edim Dekpe
Secretary: Chelsea Johnson
Thanks, Kodzo and Chelsea for your services during the academic year 2009-2010.

2009-2010 officers:
President: Kodzo Edim Dekpe
Secretary: Josh Coberly
Thanks, Kodzo and Josh for your services during the academic year 2009-2010.

April 2009

    Presentation by Victor Davis, FSA, MAAA, Associate Actuary of BCBS, Arkansas
    Title: Modeling Optimal Responses to Healthcare Financing reform Proposals

2008-2009 officers:
President: Matt Vaughn
Secretary: Patrick Martin
Thanks, Matt and Patrick for your services during the academic year 2008-2009.

April 2008

    Presentation by Kirk A. Bushy A.S.A., M.A.A.A. of BCBS, Kansas City
    Title: Actuarial Profession
2007-2008 officers:
President: Dusty Peterson
Secretary: Matt Vaughn
Thanks, Dusty and Matt for your services during the academic year 2007-2008.

November 2007

    Trip to CMSU career fair
2006-2007 officers:
President: Brad Smith
Secretary: Dusty Peterson
Thanks, Brad and Dusty for your services during the academic year 2006-2007.

November 2006

    Trip to CMSU career fair

2005-2006 officers:
President: Loren Karleskint
Secretary: Brad Smith
Thanks, Loren and Brad for your services during the academic year 2005-2006.

November 2005

    Trip to CMSU career fair

March 2005
    Speaker: Steele Stewart, FSA of BCBS of Kansas
    Title: Consulting verses Corporate Actuarial Practices, Pricing Transplants and Desease Management Evaluation

November 2004

    Trip to CMSU career fair

October 2004
    Jennefer Jabbens, Actuarial Assistant, Allstate (nee Fowler, former PSU student) presented her experience at Allstate insurance compnay on Friday October 29th

2003-2004 officers:
President: Keith Smeltz
Secretary: Loren Karleskint
Thanks, Keith and Loren for your services during the academic year 2003-2004.

October 2003

    Colloquium talk by Jim Rowland FCAS, October 21
September 2003
    Meeting of the Society on Friday 12.
    Time: 2.00 p.m.
    "Internship Experience" by Desmond Andrews

2002-2003 officers:
President: Matt Crotts
Secretary: Jennifer Fowler
Thanks, Matt and Jennifer for your services during the academic year 2002-2003.

November 2002

    Visit to CMSU for the actuarial career fair on Tuesday, November 12

October 2002
    Colloquium talk by Mr. Jim Rowland, FCAS, MAAA of Allstate Insurance Company, Tuesday 29.

October 2002
    Meeting of the Society on Tuesday 15.
    Time: 2.00 p.m.

2001-2002 officers:
President: Matt Crotts
Vice-President: Tim Pierce
Treasurer: Jennifer Fowler
Thanks, Matt, Tim, and Jennifer for your services during the academic year 2000-2001.

August 2001 May 2002

    Visit to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City

January 2002
    Meeting of the Society on Tuesday 29.
    Time: 2.15 p.m.
    Place: Yates 215

November 2001
    Visit to Central Missouri State University for the Actuarial Fair
    Desmond Andrews, Matt Crotts, Jennifer Fowler, Tim Pierce, and Dr. Jayawardhana visited CMSU on November 13. Seven companies had representatives to recruit for summer internships and permanent positions.

October 2001
    Meeting of the Society on Tuesday 16.
    Time: 3.30 p.m.
    Place: Yates 215

2000-2001 officers:
President: Dee Ann Van Luyck
Vice-President: Matt Crotts
Treasurer: Jennifer Fowler
Thanks, Dee Ann, Matt, and Jennifer for your services during the academic year 2000-2001.

August 2001

    Meeting of the Society on Thursday 23.
    Time: 3.00 p.m.
    Place: Yates 215

March, 8

    Talk by Mr. Steele R. Stewart, FSA, MAAA
    Director, Actuarial Services
    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City

January 16, 2001

    Meeting of the Society
    We decided to meet every Monday at 3.00 p.m. for Course I preparation.

November 30, 2000
October 10, 2000
    Visit to Central Missouri State University to attend an Actuary Career Fair.

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